Working as a virtual assistant can’t be any more actual and visible during the corona virus. When I told people before about my proffesion I usually got blank stares a lot, followed by… virtual assistant what’s that?! But since a couple of weeks no explanation needed, which is nice and will be a great boost for the virtual assistant community!

the virtual community

And a community we are, there are so many different people working in the industry these days. It can be very convenient in combining a family while working as a virtual assistant. Especially when the kids are young and aren’t into school yet. Remote working has a lot of benefits, it also gives a lot of freedom and location indepency if you like that lifesyle.


Speaking for myself I like to travel a lot and being stuck in an office job gives you limited oppertunities. For instance, I moved to Guatemala to get even more tax benefits out of my virtual assistant lifestyle. 


In short being a virtual assistant gives you the oppertunity to live your life on your own terms. Not depending on a location, a boss or stuck in a career you don’t like for the rest of your working life.

On this blog I will be writing articles about working as a virtual assistants. As well as hoping to answer questions like what it is virtual assistants do, and can do for clients, who I like to work with etc. Like I said the concept of working remote has gotten much more famous over the past couple of weeks, that will make my job writing about it so much easier!